Your Essential Guide to NOVEMBER
Let’s Take a Peek…
This reading is a combination of my psychic reading as well as some insights from the good old Tarot. This reading is based on the collective energies.
These are topics and insights that may or may not affect you but more than likely there will be at least one element to it that you will notice throughout the month. There will be some advice, a heads up, and some tips with our best interests in mind for this month.
Let’s get into this friends.
King of Spears (upright), Justice (upright), 3 of Swords (upright), 10 of Spears (upright)
The Underlying Energy for this month is…
Knight of Spears (upright)
The first thing I noticed right away is that there is a lot of spears energy in this month. This means that there is a lot of room for creativity, magic, and manifestation but I do not think it’s the fruition of it, it’s the work that needs to be done to get the manifestation. This month will be about work, putting in the effort, rolling with…