Hi There!

Thanks for checking me out!

As a lifelong Psychic, Astral Traveler, and Healer let's just say I have a lot of things to say, write about, and share with the world!

I write about Astral Travel, Energy Healing, Spirituality, Philosophy, Starseeds, Tarot, Intuition, Horoscopes, and all things of the like.

I also write about health-related subjects. As someone who studied anatomy for several years, worked closely with physiotherapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, and dieticians, and was a full-time Registered Massage Therapist for 13 years, I have a lot of first-hand experience in health and anatomy. Also as a deep listener, I have taken note of things clients have shared with me throughout their journeys in healing and health.

I have been on a transformative path of enlightenment as I use these skills to tap into the depths of wisdom and the limitless power of the Universe. My journey has been one that has taken me to both the dark and the light, to now, somehow managing and balancing that middle space of duality that is Earth's natural state and flow.

I also offer a sanctuary for those seeking balance, restoration, and intuitive insights in my business Light Wolf Energy.

Before the official opening of Light Wolf Energy, I spend 13 years as a registered massage therapist and studying anatomy. Through those 13 years of dealing with a variety of people, I saw a variety of ailments, complications, and physical issues. I soon started to see and notice the correlation of everything. I started to see how trauma could affect the body and block the flow of energy. I started to see how held patterns show up in the physical body.

With my psychic sight, my psychic connections, my knowledge, and years of healing experience it all came together for me.

After 4 years of Light Wolf Energy, I am hoping to step into an era of sharing my knowledge, and insights, and also collaborating with others and continue on this path of expansion and learning.

Instagram: @lightwolfenergies

Contact: lightwolfenergies@gmail.com To Book with me: Light Wolf Energy Square Space 

Medium member since December 2023
Friend of Medium since February 2024
Kirsten Fabish

Kirsten Fabish

Friend of Medium

Unleashing Cosmic Guidance, Healing Energies, and Astral Journeys. Embrace the Mystical Realm as we navigate the unseen together.